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Price list

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Tariffs* per Chargeable Weight** / Applicable beginning with 31/05/2024

Chargeable Weight**, up to (kg) Flagship - Heathrow Airport Pickup Point (£) Door Delivery (£)
0.50 3.98 13.98
1.00 6.98 15.98
2.00 10.98 19.98
3.00 15.98 25.98
4.00 21.98 30.98
5.00 26.98 35.98
6.00 31.98 41.98
7.00 37.98 46.98
8.00 42.98 52.98
9.00 48.98 57.98
10.00 53.98 62.98
11.00 58.98 68.98
12.00 64.98 74.98
13.00 69.98 80.98
14.00 74.98 86.98
15.00 80.98 92.98
16.00 85.98 98.98
17.00 91.98 103.98
18.00 96.98 109.98
19.00 101.98 115.98
20.00 107.98 121.98
21.00 112.98 127.98
22.00 117.98 133.98
23.00 123.98 139.98
24.00 128.98 144.98
25.00 134.98 150.98
26.00 139.98 156.98
27.00 144.98 162.98
28.00 150.98 168.98
29.00 155.98 174.98
30.00 160.98 180.98
35.00 177.98 -
40.00 203.98 -
45.00 230.98 -
50.00 257.98 -
55.00 284.98 -
60.00 311.98 -
65.00 338.98 -
70.00 365.98 -
80.00 405.98 -
90.00 459.98 -
100.00 513.98 -
120.00 593.98 -
140.00 701.98 -
160.00 809.98 -
180.00 916.98 -
200.00 1024.98 -
250.00 1212.98 -
300.00 1481.98 -
350.00 1750.98 -
400.00 2019.98 -
450.00 2288.98 -
500.00 2556.98 -
600.00 - -
700.00 - -
800.00 - -
900.00 - -
1000.00 - -

Additional charges*

Cash on delivery fee £0.00
Consolidation fee (applied if more packages are consolidated under the same order, for each additional package) £2.98 per each additional package
Guarantee Services 2.48 % from the declared value £4.98 min fee £800 Max value
Order processing fee, if order not prepared online £2.98 per order
Repacking or Dangerous Goods (DG) Services Fee £6.98 Carton or box repacking £14.98 Palletization repacking

Import Customs Clearance Services

Parcel Value 0 GBP - 134.99 GBP 135+ GBP
Import Customs Clearance Fee £4.98 £49.98
Import Customs Payments Fee 5.00%*** (min £2.98) 5.00%*** (min £2.98)

*All tariffs and charges are including VAT.

**Chargeable Weight is the higher of Actual Weight and Volumetric Weight as per the Terms and Conditions

***applied to the value of custom payments made on behalf of the client: import VAT, customs duties and others

Exports and Returns Tariffs are as per the applicable tariffs of the destination country, published on the corresponding destination country`s website

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